
Subscribe to our email newsletter written by Michael Grogan for continued updates on the ministry. Witness how God is “on the move” in Kensington Philadelphia and hear about the challenges which are faced and overcome in Christ Jesus.

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A collection of previous newsletters can be found and explored below. These thoughts and stories can better illustrate the day-to-day experience of being a missionary in Kensington and will give you inspiration and hope in the ongoing fight against the kingdom of darkness.

February 2025: The Big Bang and Peanut Butter

Gunshots... Heroin..... Homelessness...... Gangs....

When you think of Kensington these are words you hear a lot.... Our volunteers know that very well....

Sometimes our volunteers don't get to hear those exciting words......

For example Tom who comes  regularly often hears the words... Paint brush...... Mop.... Rags....... Wood polish....

Yes... Sometimes our volunteers come and do the little monotonous chores that keep out house on Emerald Street beautiful for God......

I was feeling bad that some of our volunteers don't get hands-on work with the poor.... It can be very gratifying to have a beautiful encounter with the homeless or one of our young people..... But mopping floors????? Screwing on toilet seats????.... Not always so gratifying but very very necessary......

Recently on the first Saturday in January while some of our volunteers were out ministering in the streets..... Others were in the house cooking, cleaning and organizing......

Suddenly.... There was a knock on the front door.....

Luis had come to pick up a food donation for his family. Luis is 23 years old and heavily involved in the streets. His family is incredibly poor and Luis is unable to maintain a job because of profound psychological trauma. As soon as Luis walked in I began to gather some food and then it hit me...... Let me invite Tom upstairs to pray with him so that Tom can have an opportunity to encounter Jesus.....

I said, "Tom can you come upstairs and pray with Luis?"

As I gathered bread, eggs, milk and chicken along with some canned goods I heard Tom begin to pray.... The Holy Spirit was leading and anointing Tom's words and one of the things he said that penetrated Luis  heart was, "Luis God's love for you is bigger than the big bang!"

Wow!!!! A kid from the mud..... From the streets of Kensington.... Lost..... And our volunteer who was mopping a floor declares over him and spoke into his life the love of God that is bigger than the Big Bang!!!!!!

Luis was moved by the prayer and  Tom shook his hand and went back downstairs to continue the lowly work that is not always so exciting..... But in that brief 3 minute exchange a deep impression was left in the soul of Luis....

As he was getting ready to leave with a few bags of food Luis asked if I happened to have any peanut butter...

God was about to show His tender love for Luis yet again......

Our good friend Lisa Corcoran and a group of students from the Bishop Shanahan boys basketball team had done a food drive and donated a gigantic plastic tote of food...

As I began to tell Luis that we had no peanut butter I stuck my hand in that plastic tote and wouldn't you know..... I pulled out a gigantic Skippy and right next to it was the same size jar of jelly...... I was literally saying no as my hand pulled out the peanut butter. My mouth dropped.... Luis mouth dropped.... And so did his tears.... This tough guy from the streets was now quietly sobbing as I handed him the peanut butter and jelly.... I said, "Wow God really loves you." 

After a brief moment wiping his tears he got himself together and walked out the front door.....

The Lord hears the cry of the poor....

Gunshots... Heroin..... Homelessness...... Gangs...

When you think of Kensington these are words you hear a lot.... Our volunteers know that very well....

Sometimes our volunteers don't get to hear those exciting words......

For example Tom who comes  regularly often hears the words... Paint brush...... Mop.... Rags....... Wood polish....

Yes... Sometimes our volunteers come and do the little monotonous chores that keep out house on Emerald Street beautiful for God......

I was feeling bad that some of our volunteers don't get hands-on work with the poor.... It can be very gratifying to have a beautiful encounter with the homeless or one of our young people..... But mopping floors????? Screwing on toilet seats????.... Not always so gratifying but very very necessary......

Recently on the first Saturday in January while some of our volunteers were out ministering in the streets..... Others were in the house cooking, cleaning and organizing......

Suddenly.... There was a knock on the front door.....

Luis had come to pick up a food donation for his family. Luis is 23 years old and heavily involved in the streets. His family is incredibly poor and Luis is unable to maintain a job because of profound psychological trauma. As soon as Luis walked in I began to gather some food and then it hit me...... Let me invite Tom upstairs to pray with him so that Tom can have an opportunity to encounter Jesus.....

I said, "Tom can you come upstairs and pray with Luis?"

As I gathered bread, eggs, milk and chicken along with some canned goods I heard Tom begin to pray.... The Holy Spirit was leading and anointing Tom's words and one of the things he said that penetrated Luis  heart was, "Luis God's love for you is bigger than the big bang!"

Wow!!!! A kid from the mud..... From the streets of Kensington.... Lost..... And our volunteer who was mopping a floor declares over him and spoke into his life the love of God that is bigger than the Big Bang!!!!!!

Luis was moved by the prayer and  Tom shook his hand and went back downstairs to continue the lowly work that is not always so exciting..... But in that brief 3 minute exchange a deep impression was left in the soul of Luis....

As he was getting ready to leave with a few bags of food Luis asked if I happened to have any peanut butter...

God was about to show His tender love for Luis yet again......

Our good friend Lisa Corcoran and a group of students from the Bishop Shanahan boys basketball team had done a food drive and donated a gigantic plastic tote of food...

As I began to tell Luis that we had no peanut butter I stuck my hand in that plastic tote and wouldn't you know..... I pulled out a gigantic Skippy and right next to it was the same size jar of jelly...... I was literally saying no as my hand pulled out the peanut butter. My mouth dropped....Luis mouth dropped.... And so did his tears.... This tough guy from the streets was now quietly sobbing as I handed him the peanut butter and jelly.... I said, "Wow God really loves you." 

After a brief moment wiping his tears he got himself together and walked out the front door.....

The Lord hears the cry of the poor....

Tom spoke the love of God.. that big bang love of Jesus for the least..... That love that is more expansive than the universe.... And yet so tender that His love would not deny even a jar of Skippy to His beloved son. 

Tom said yes and God used him...

Lisa said yes and God used her...

The boys basketball team from Bishop Shanahan said yes and God used that yes to shine his light into a soul in darkness...

Luis said yes and opened His heart a crack to receive that love....

And God's best is yet to come....

In Jesus, 

Michael Grogan

Michael Grogan Ministry, Inc. is an IRS 501(c)(3) charity organization with tax identification number
EIN 86-2068462 and is recognized as a charity by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with a
Certificate of Registration No. 122315

January 2025: Blessings of the New Year from I Thirst Ministry!

Happy New Year!!

I Thirst Ministry has been blessed by each one of you in a thousand different ways... Thank you for all of the ways that you have put love into living action.








Together we have done something very beautiful for God in Kensington.... But the work has only just begun…

On this New Year's 2025, this great jubilee year may you be blessed with the blessing of Aaron...

The Lord bless you and keep you... May his face shine upon you and be gracious to you... May the Lord bless you and give you His peace... (Numbers 6:24-26)

HIS best is yet to come!

God love you,

Michael Grogan


 IRS 501(c)(3) Charity Status Approved

For those who could not attend in person, enjoy these pictures of Bishop Joseph Coffey celebrating Mass at I Thirst Ministry; then posing with Michael and the boys

December 2024- I Thirst Ministry Presents: Come Be My Light

Jahmir has been homeless since he was 13 and incarcerated multiple times.... Last night, after praying night prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours and a Rosary, he had a beautiful Thanksgiving meal with our other young men who come regularly to pray... Then he went upstairs to stay in the Sacred heart guest room as the Lord has provided a place of respite and an opportunity for him to get his life together.... Our little home on Emerald Street is truly a gift of love to Jesus who comes in the disguise of Jahmir.... the poorest of the poor.

Through I Thirst Ministry this troubled soul who was alone and had no one 3 weeks ago now has a place to stay. In only three short weeks he went canoeing and kayaking and has prayed more than he ever has in his entire life. He is respectful, humble and obedient and we are expecting great things as he cooperates with the Holy Spirit.

Lives are being changed.....

Through I Thirst Ministry In the past 3 weeks 600 brown scapulars and miraculous medals have been distributed through Kensington. Through our partnerships with different ministries Our Lady is making Her presence known in Kensington. 260 students and faculty from St Peter's School are now clothed in the Blessed Mother's mantle, the brown Scapular. 340 homeless men and women are also experiencing the tenderness of Our Lady clothed in Her scapular as they struggle with addiction. Those brown scapulars act as lassos to rescue souls and bring them into the Immaculate heart of Mary... Yes God is using I Thirst Ministry to make His power known.

This past Saturday one of our volunteers began a pilot program for our young children. Five little ones ages 5 through 10 came to sing and pray and learn about Our Lady of Guadalupe.. Carolyn who was moved on our first Saturday volunteer days expressed a desire to help the little ones and now our monthly program has been born. Little by little.... The grace of God is transforming lives.... Below is a picture of our little ones who acted out Our Ladies visit to Juan Diego in Mexico...

We are also excited that on December 7th Bishop Joseph Coffey will be coming for our first Saturday to offer the holy sacrifice of the Mass and celebrate Advent and Christmas with us.

Another one of our wonderful volunteers, Maureen, has spearheaded a project and will be helping so that 65 gift bags will be prepared for distribution to our young people and children in Kensington. Toys and candy from the tri-state area have been donated and on Saturday after holy Mass or volunteers will be putting these gift bags together.

Truly we are grassroots.... getting our hands dirty.... In the mud.... Truly we are fulfilling Jesus's mandate to Mother Teresa of Calcutta when he asked her to, "Carry me into the dark holes of the poor... Come and be My light..". It is His light that scatters every darkness...

During this holy season of Advent I humbly beg you in the name of the poor whom I serve to make a generous gift... As we go and purchase gifts for our loved ones would you make a gift to I Thirst Ministry? We are in the trenches... On the very front lines of battle..... Every dollar goes for the poorest of the poor and to bring souls to Jesus....

In the sweet name of Jesus I ask you to be very generous as God was so generous as to give His only son... Share the joy of loving and please make your Christmas gift so that we can continue this grassroots evangelization effort to bring Jesus to the most lost and needy souls.


God love you,

Michael Grogan

November 2024: When the Lord Sends New Kids to Blue Door

Recently the Lord has been sending many new young people to my front door. Whenever I meet a young person on the street or if one of my boys introduces me to one of their friends... only one thing matters... How can I bring that soul to Jesus? How can I introduce them to the God who is passionately in love with them?

Tee is only 17 years old. He just spent 3 months incarcerated and prior to that was monitored by the courts with an ankle monitor on in-house arrest... Only Tee is homeless and had no house to be incarcerated in so after playing cat and mouse was arrested and spent 3 months in jail. When he got out he came to my door, not for housing but for a meal and a place to take a shower. I told him about our prayer groups on Friday and Sunday nights and for the first time he came with his friend Jay... They came and prayed with us, opening their hearts to Jesus and having a meal with the other guys... The Lord in His mercy has even sent a young Franciscan priest who regularly visits and is getting to know the guys!

After his first prayer group with us on a Friday night, Jay mentioned that the coming Sunday was his birthday. He said, "it will be the first birthday that I have not been, ‘locked up’ in 2 years!"  I asked him if he would be celebrating his birthday with his family and he said no. Sure enough that Sunday we had a beautiful cake for him and sang with tons of gusto glorifying Jesus for the gift of Jay and his life.

The Holy Spirit is the hound of heaven... He brings them to me so that I may bring them to Jesus.

Just the other day one of the young people in our documentary, "The Mud," named Yahyah brought his friend just to say hello. This 18-year-old boy named Khalil has been on his own for many years. His mother is gone and his father is paralyzed after being shot and lives in a facility. Khalil has no support and now, this coming Saturday he will be coming canoeing and kayaking with us. The Lord is bringing them one by one... and through Mary we bring them to Jesus...

This is the gift of God... This is our gift TO GOD... To quench His thirst by bringing him the souls of the street kids...

This past month on the 1st Saturday 9 volunteers came for our monthly day of prayer and service. What a beautiful gift to Our Lady... We gathered to pray her rosary and have the holy sacrifice of the Mass with Father Ronald, a priest from the nearby parish holy Innocent's.

After praying and receiving Holy Communion we all went out to serve the poor. Some went to give out food, others took a prayer walk and prayed with the homeless and others went to Annie's house, a home for unwed mothers to help prepare for the women who will be moving in with their children. Then we had a beautiful hot lunch. If you would like to learn more about our first Saturday volunteer opportunities click here

God is on the move in Kensington. I promised Jesus and Mary that by the end of the year the I Thirst Ministry would give a beautiful gift to Our Lady... Our great friend Pat Ward has donated a thousand miraculous medals and a thousand brown scapulars which we have promised to impose around the necks of a thousand people here in Kensington by the end of the year. We want to connect the people of the neighborhood to heaven, connect them to their celestial queen, Our Blessed Mother... Mary will do what she does best... Bring these thousand souls to the heart of Jesus...

We are eternally grateful to Jesus for the privilege of serving Him... For the gift that He gives to us in His poor... And we know beyond the shadow of a doubt… His best is yet to come! 

PS.- We’re grateful to God to announce that our 501c3 status has been officially reinstated. Thanks to the help of so many, particularly Rich Troy. We prayed for this to happen and it truly happened at lightning speed. Truly the hand of the Lord is upon even the administration of this ministry. We bless God for His tender love for us.


Donations are Tax Deductible
IRS 501(c)(3) Charity Approved

October 16, 2024 Volunteers are a Blessing

Jesus is so good to us!  He is, "an ever-present help in time of distress" (Psalm 46:1). I could never do this work alone and God sends the right people for the right job at the right moment. This newsletter is dedicated to our volunteers who help in a thousand different ways… Some help remotely... Some organize food drives.... Some come to Kensington and go right out onto the streets.

In this newsletter three of our volunteers have contributed brief testimonials sharing their reflections on the way that Jesus has called them to serve I Thirst Ministry.

==== from Marta:

I first heard of Michael Grogan through YouTube and
I heard his story on Relevant Radio. I could feel his love and
devotion for the Catholic faith, especially to Our Lady.


I greatly admire the kind of work he is doing in Kensington which is the neighborhood in Philadelphia that I was born and raised in. Since moving out of that neighborhood, I have often thought, “What can I do?” or “How can I help?”. It was a pleasant surprise to me that I discovered this New York native making a difference in my old neighborhood! One day, while coming out of Mass, I recognized Michael walking in front of me. I said hello to him, and I only wanted to say, “I follow the work you’re doing and it’s great! Keep it up!”. Then, he asked my name and he shook my hand saying, “Come be with us!”. I joined him on a First Saturday where we said the Rosary, had Confession and Mass, praise, lunch, then the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm. It was a really spiritually fulfilling experience that we were given the opportunity to participate in such a prayerful and purposeful day for Our Lady. I heard the sincerity in his voice and felt the warmth in his handshake. I had such a great experience in his welcoming home, and met new friends who, just like me, are eager to serve the Lord! I want to keep coming every month, and I hope to meet more new friends as we serve the Lord.

=== from Michael Kern who drove all the way from St Louis, Missouri, to Kensington,
to help I Thirst Ministry:

A few days working with Michael Grogan, I Thirst Ministry,
Kensington, PA
(Personal Reflection from Michael Kerns)


To know and work with Michael is to know you are working with a man who has spiritual charisms. The charism to work, live and serve with those that few people would want to be with. Even more important is the charism of putting the boys he works with at ease. Two cultures that are about as far apart as one could imagine. That seems to disappear when he is working with them in the ministry house. Does he evangelize? Yes! More importantly he serves in a way that makes his work comfortable to those he serves. To say it another way in a place where almost no one completely trusts one another, they trust Michael. This is huge! Is Michael a Saint? We should all strive to have “saintly” qualities while on earth.

So what qualities does Michael have? Being a true fisher of men. Taking these boys who have the problems of manhood by guiding, praying and supporting them; turning them into better versions of themselves. This in a land that lacks temperance in about everything is quite an accomplishment.

My role and discernment to go to Kensington, was the calling to help on the mechanical things of house. Painting, electric etc. What I received was a new way of looking at the young men that have severe PTSD types of trauma thru no fault of their own. It was a place that will be forever etched in my mind as what the world may look like, if we don’t find God in our lives. One of the highlights of the trip was being able to pray with Michael and some of the other community members and witness the young men’s enthusiasm for prayer and saying the Rosary! Who would have thought that was even possible?

God Bless “I Thirst Ministry”, Michael Grogan, the volunteers and the people he serves.

==== from Rich Troy:

God, in His great mercy and infinite creativity, has gotten me
involved helping this ministry in ways that I never expected!


In the span of three months I went from helping with the ministry’s website and newsletter mailings to verbally wrestling with people who have titles like CPA and attorney. I ended up helping the ministry file its IRS Form 1023 to get its charity status reinstated. Now we wait for the IRS to respond. Please pray for “greased lightning” in the IRS processing, even though it doesn’t sound like something to expect from the IRS – but all things are possible with God!

Along the way there have been numerous blessings for the ministry and for myself personally. How does that saying go? “God will not be outdone in generosity”!

During all this effort I didn’t think I needed any more encouragement to help, but the Holy Spirit led me to this scripture in Luke 6:38 which I pray also inspires you: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.” Amen!


After reading these beautiful testimonies if you feel led by the spirit and would like to get more involved please click on the button below to send an email. Let yourself be led by the spirit...

HIS best is yet to come!

God love you,

Michael Grogan

 Click here to send Michael an email  


Click here to see Michael Grogan interviewed on


September 20, 2024: I Thirst Ministry Presents: First Saturday day of prayer and outreach

When: Saturday October 5th, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

9:00- arrival and breakfast
9:30- Praise and Worship.... Spiritual Conference...  Holy Rosary (Confessions will be available)
10:30- Holy Mass (Fr. Michael Lombardi) followed by individual blessing with the first class relic of the True Cross
11:15- various ministry and service opportunities.... Outreach to homeless...
2:00- Lunch/Fellowship
3:00- Divine Mercy and clean up 
3:30- departure 


Where: 3618 Emerald Street, Philadelphia PA. 19134

Please come and bring a friend. Quench the thirst of Jesus... Fulfill Our Lady's request at Fatima... Put your faith into action... Meet Jesus in the poor..... Be holy...


His best is yet to come..

God love you!

Michael Grogan

September 10, 2024

“Connect with Heaven” Is moving our newsletter and our emails to “I Thirst Ministry”

“Connect with Heaven” Is moving our newsletter and our emails to “I Thirst Ministry”

Moving involves some changes …

You will start to see newsletters coming from “” instead of “”.

To avoid having our newsletters lost in your junk email folder, please try one or more of these - because each email program and email system has different ways of handling spam:

1.  Please add this email to your contact list:

2.  This email came to you today from connectwithheaven We will send the next email newsletter from the new ithirstministry. Please look in your junk email folder and if you see an email from ithirstministry, please add a rule so it is not treated as junk email.

Your support of this ministry is so very much appreciated. We look forward to staying in touch with you. 

His best is yet to come..

God love you!

Michael Grogan

Sunday August 4, 2024

Kensington....The Land of Opportunity 

There's gold in the streets.... They are literally paved with gold for those who have eyes to see..... I once heard a beautiful acronym....

POOR.......Passing....Over.... Opportunities.... Repeatedly 

I don't want to be poor so I came to this land of opportunity to gather the gold, the gems and the jewels of souls to give them to my Father in heaven. 

Just today I found a treasure... A unique and rare gem...... His name is Paul. 

I was walking home from Mass and as I passed the park on Tioga Street a young man stopped me to have a great conversation. He was doing exercise and we started to joke around. 5 minutes later he had my information and was texting my phone excited about our trip to Dorney Park on Monday August 12th. Paul is 20 years old and lives with his single mom..... He is lost and does not know what to do with his life... It was my first time meeting Paul but he is also joyful and humble and loved discussing  current events. His desire to better the kingdom of men will lead him to the good, the true and the beautiful one... THE FATHER.... HIS FATHER..... OUR FATHER! 

There's opportunities all around to bring souls to Jesus... We must talk with strangers and build relationships. Psalm 51 says, "Lord open my lips and my mouth will proclaim your praise." Let us open our mouths and speak about God...

It's been a busy summer. There's no shortage of work in the vineyard of the Lord.

On Thursday July 18th I had the privilege to share the work of "I Thirst Ministry" with the young adults of St Bede's parish in Southampton PA. What a wonderful group and it was so encouraging to see the newly ordained priest, Fr Zehner, present throughout the entire meeting and fellowshipping with the young people afterwards.

We also had an amazing opportunity to partner with another local non-profit called Klean Kensington.... A few of the guys from our prayer groups joined with their young people for a great outing to Funplex, a small amusement park in New Jersey....  Meeting new friends and working together to make Kensington beautiful and to bring heaven down to earth... This is an opportunity we could not miss!  Special thanks to Jeremy Chen, the founder and director of Klean Kensington who has been so supportive of our work and so eager to partner.

Yes God is on the move.... We are finding treasure everywhere we look ... Amassing riches.....souls....
and giving them to God!

And God's best is yet to come....

God bless you

Michael Grogan

 Donate   .

PS- We are in desperate need of non-perishable food items and toiletries. OUR SHELVES ARE LITERALLY EMPTY as often happens during the summer months. If you are a part of a parish, school, prayer group or organization that would like to do a non-perishable food / toiletry drive for I Thirst Ministry we would be incredibly grateful. A bag of food today has often been the foothold in to bring entire families to Jesus through Mary. Please don't pass over this opportunity to directly help our families here in Kensington. If you have a connection with a large group or run a large organization this is the Holy Spirit tapping you on the shoulder right now. We will transport the food from your location to our location... To make arrangements please email me...

Thursday July 25, 2024

Major Update from Michael Grogan

Major Update:

You may have noticed that we are transitioning from the name “Connect With Heaven Ministry” to “I Thirst Ministry”.... Here's why...

Those words of Jesus spoken from the cross were etched and carved into the heart of St Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa's life and example that have been my inspiration. The heroism of stepping into the slums of Calcutta all alone, trusting in the call of Jesus has moved me and inspired me....

It was on a train ride in 1946 while she was headed to a retreat that Mother had a mystical experience.... She heard Jesus asking her to quench His thirst by bringing to Him the souls of the poorest of the poor. 

Those two little words...I THIRST... became her life, her obsession, her reason to get out of bed in the morning and spend herself tirelessly day and night....

Mother understood that "I thirst' was not simply Jesus asking for a drop of water.... It was an eternal cry echoing to the end of time from the heart of a God who longs for reconciliation and intimacy with His children... Mother understood that the thirst of Jesus is a burning thirst present right now in the hearts of those who suffer, especially the poorest of the poor... The thirst of Jesus is alive in the suffering poor.... It is a living thirst....


And it is my privilege and vocation to quench this thirst......

Although incredibly weak and broken the words of Jesus, this call of Jesus to quench His thirst has brought me into the slums of Kensington... In every young person selling drugs on the street corner.... In every prostitute selling her body for a drug that enslaves her.... In every victim of gun violence in this neighborhood.... In every fentanyl addict contorted with flesh rotting because of the poison in the drugs.... In each one..... Jesus cries out from this modern day Calvary... I THIRST.....

Through our little prayer groups... Through rosary walks in the neighborhood.... By means of giving out food to families in need.... In a very simple way... A very little way... I can quench the thirst of Jesus.... I can give Him what He thirsts for most ... Souls.... Love....

These are Jesus two most favorite things.... Love and souls.... Souls and love...

So as we get to the very heart and soul of this ministry which is to quench His infinite thirst... We will be using "I Thirst Ministry" from now on... For love of Jesus.... In thanksgiving to our dearest Mother Teresa... And to succinctly articulate the core, the heart and soul, the only purpose and identity of this ministry..... The only reason for my living here in Kensington.... To satiate the thirst of Jesus on the cross for love and souls... Especially the poorest of the poor... Whom I am privileged to serve....

On a practical note checks can be made out to “I Thirst Ministry”... We are still able to receive checks for “Connect With Heaven” as well as we make this transition..

The website is officially although you can still get there from as well.....

And His best is yet to come...

God love you 

Michael Grogan 

PS- If You would like to pray with Michael one on one please send an email request

June 2024 Take A Hike......

It ain't easy growing up in Kensington.. dysfunction and brokenness... Lots of rejection and disappointment.... So often our kids are told to take a hike...... SO WE DID!!

On Corpus Christi Sunday two of our great friends and volunteers after holy Mass, came to pick up our rag tag group. Eight young people filled with excitement and thirsting for adventure journeyed into the great outdoors.

First stop was a hiking trail.... joyfully walking together and enjoying nature. ....throwing rocks into streams and navigating through muddy trails all while trying to avoid bears..(My guys are tough but not that tough....)

At one point as we were taking a little break along a beautiful secluded trail our volunteer Andrew invited all of us to spend a moment in profound silence waiting for the Holy Spirit... It was such a thick beautiful silence…listening to the birds chirp and the streams flow.... And then back to insanity and goofiness in the woods....

Mike and the guys take a hike

After an hour and a half hike we decided to head over to the lake for some canoeing and kayaking. The guys had an absolute blast on the water trying to tip each other's boats.... The joy of the Lord was tangible and the excitement of being outside without the distraction of cell phones.... just basking in the goodness of God was so healing....

After hiking and canoeing for a few hours the guys were hungry. Our friends Tom and Sue Lamar invited us to their beautiful home so the guys could enjoy a dip in the pool. Tom and Sue had prepared a meal fit for kings and it was just a poolside, carefree barbecue with wholesome fun.. Some guys ended up outside playing basketball, some stayed in the pool, and some just sat around the table and talked... In some ways it was such a 'normal day" and yet for them it was an unforgettable day because their normal is different then most of our normals.....

As the day drew to a close we gathered around, guitar in hand to sing the praises of the Lord. Each of our young people had an opportunity to share their intentions and express their gratitude to the Lord and then we entered into the Holy Rosary. During the fifth glorious mystery, the crowning of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth..... Each one of us committed our lives to the lordship and queenship of Jesus and Mary...... They were profound moments of prayer and encounter with God... Who is the purpose and center of everything we do....

Totus Tuus Maria…totally yours, Mary…

And then..... After taking a hike.... We went back to Kensington.... Home sweet home..... Back to the battlefield.... Yet refreshed through God's healing presence in His creation, in His people and through prayer...

His best is yet to come..

God love you

Michael Grogan

May 2024 Prayer--A Matter of Life and Death

There is a famous story of St Francis bringing one of his brother friars into town to, ”preach the gospel".  After prayerfully walking through the town without speaking to anyone the young friar asked St. Francis, "When are we going to begin preaching?

Francis replied, "we just did..... Preach the gospel always and when necessary use words."

Moved by the spirit of Saint Francis I have made it a point to regularly walk through the most dangerous streets of Kensington praying the rosary with a volunteer. As the Lord sent the disciples out in twos, so I walk accompanied with a volunteer, rosary in hand, and a pocket full of miraculous medals ready for whatever the Holy Spirit sends our way.

Typically we pray two or three rosaries walking…Just being a prayerful presence and trying to radiate the love of Jesus through Mary. On one of our recent walks myself and Andrew, one of our faithful partners in ministry and volunteer, had a walk that would literally become a matter of life and death. 

As we began the prayers walking through the streets every few blocks Andrew and I would take turns deciding whether we should make a right or a left. We had no plan and no set way to walk.... We would simply go back and forth joyfully picking new streets to turn down..... Little did we know that the Holy Spirit was leading us to a life and death situation.

As we made one of our spontaneous turns we saw an ambulance and a crowd of people gathered. As we got closer going back and forth with the Hail Marys of the rosary we saw a man lying in the street as the paramedics performed CPR... One of the many victims of the heroin epidemic was literally dying on a Saturday afternoon right on the sidewalk of Allegheny Avenue. We stood with the crowd, going back and forth with prayer as people around us quietly joined in. The Holy Spirit had sent us to intercede for the soul of that man who was returning to God at that very moment... As we prayed one of the paramedics noticed and said to the other paramedics that they also needed to pray for this soul. During one of the Hail Marys, as Andrew and I recited the prayer out loud. one man who was walking past heard, "now and at the hour of our death.". He looked directly at us as if a light bulb had gone off and replied with reverence...."Amen."

After 15 minutes there was nothing more the paramedics could do. The white cloth was placed over his body and he was placed in the ambulance. I do not know his name...... BUT JESUS AND MARY DO..... AND THEY LOVE HIM..... THEY SENT US TO THE POOREST OF THE POOR TO BE THERE AT HIS BEDSIDE IN THE LITTERED STREETS OF KENSINGTON.... AT THE HOUR AND MOMENT OF HIS DEATH!!!!!

As I finish writing this newsletter I'm preparing to go out again for another walk. To preach without preaching... To pray and become a prayer...... It is urgent... It is a matter of life and death..... It is for God.... It is for souls....

God love you 

Michael Grogan

The below pictures show: two of our little ones receiving First Holy Communion, and Friends in ministry throughout Kensington gathering for a meeting and prayer…

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Miracle Story of Our New Home

In December, a tiny inspiration was placed in my heart:  stop renting and purchase a home for Connect With Heaven. After over three years, it was very clear that we were not going anywhere and needed to establish deeper, permanent roots in this neighborhood. The Holy Spirit usually starts with a small idea and then gradually the volume is turned up to a nagging thought and, finally, as the volume increases to the inspiration, a persistent preoccupation.

Earlier in the year, I had begun to very intentionally pray for the intercession of St. Joseph. After watching him provide miraculously in terms of volunteers and various supplies that we needed for our service in Kensington, I now entrusted to St. Joseph the acquisition of our new property. In January, the fundraising began. I was certain – absolutely certain – that this was God's Will and understood that the money eventually would be raised. However, I had no idea to what extent heaven was going to "WOW" us! After launching "Project Blue Door" we had an incredible response. Trusting that our Blessed Mother was going to be sending her children “through the blue door into our prayer room” to have a face-to-face encounter with the living Jesus, multiple web pages were designed, videos filmed, and phone calls were made to humbly beg in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. So many people immediately responded with incredible generosity and we raised $70,000. The Lord was confirming that His hand was upon this work, after all, it had only been one week since launching our campaign.


While sitting at the kitchen table in our rental house, just a week and a half into the campaign, I was playing a card game of "I Declare War." (And winning!) My phone vibrated with a notification which I paused to look heart eyes filled with tears...I quickly excused myself from the table and tried to process the email I had just read. It was beyond anything I could have ever hoped for, or imagined. Someone wished to “cover the gap” in order for our ministry to have the perfect house. I was overcome with emotion and shouting “Praise to the Lord!” The young man who was playing cards with me began to hear these shouts with cries and tears, "PRAISE GOD! THANK YOU, JESUS AND MARY…THANK YOU...THANK YOU, JESUS!"


Within 48 hours, someone whom I knew, but had never met, wired enough funds that would allow us to purchase the house and close without a mortgage. The only stipulation was that we consecrate the new house to the Holy Face of Jesus, which only added to my delight!

We made an offer on the house in mid-January and it was accepted one week later. On February 28th, the very last day of a Parish Mission I was giving in Greenlawn, New York, I rushed back to Philadelphia to sign close and receive the keys and deed to our new property.

It's a miracle story. It's a love story. It's God the Father of Mercies lavishly providing for his children in Kensington. It's St. Joseph interceding. Truly the Hand of the Lord is on our new home.

After closing, we immediately hit the ground running. An army of volunteers and young people helped us paint and prepare for our anticipated, beautiful house blessing, Mass and celebration!


On March 23rd – in spite of torrential rain – over 50 people came for our beautiful celebration. Father Justin offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and consecrated our new home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and, of course, TO THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS!

So many young people, friends, volunteers and benefactors came to celebrate. From Heaven, Mother Teresa of Calcutta sent two of her sisters to also join us. So vitally important to have the blessing of my spiritual mama St. Teresa of Calcutta!

And, of course, St. Joseph gave us a special blessing by sending Bishop Joseph Coffey, Bishop of the Archdiocese for the Military Services - USA. We were honored to have him come and delighted that he stayed for two and a half hours. My honest thought was that he would spend a half hour to show face and be on his way. But that bishop knows how to have a good time! Our young people and volunteers enjoyed his company and, truly, the wonderful shepherd spent time with the sheep.

Now, we are settling in and getting to know our new neighbors as well as maintaining relationships with our old friends and Kensington. All we have left to do is have the roof replaced and install a washer and dryer. Then, essentially the renovation will be complete.

Plaques positioned throughout the house identify each space and the benefactors who made it possible as well as the name in which they wished it to be dedicated:

As prayer groups, meals, and fellowship progress from our Kensington House of Prayer, we boldly and prophetically declare again and again...


God love you,

Michael Grogan

By the way, we not only have a new home, we now have a new mailing address as well. So, for those of you who make your very generous monthly donations by mail, please use P.O. Box 4703, Philadelphia, PA 19134. (Don’t worry, we’ll still get anything you send to our former post office box!)

Saturday, March 16, 2024

"My house shall be called a house of prayer." (Matthew 21:13)

God the Father, in His tender love. has built another tabernacle for Jesus right here in Kensington.

Mother Teresa used to say that each of her convents was a tabernacle because each Sister was Jesus through baptism. Each soul houses the Triune God and now, in Kensington, there is a new tabernacle, a permanent dwelling place for Connect With Heaven Ministry. 

On February 28, through the incredible generosity of our loyal benefactors, I signed the paperwork and was handed the deed and keys to a beautiful house for Jesus in Kensington. Four nights a week, young people will have a place to gather – for many years to come – to worship the Lord and to honor His Holy Mother. In this house, Jesus Christ is King and Our Lady reigns as Queen. It is God's house for the poor, for the little ones, for the forgotten. We also welcome guests off the street who come and stay for a while to get on their feet after being wounded on the battlefield of the harsh streets in Kensington. Currently, our two guests, Nicholas and Josue, are excited to move into their newly furnished bedrooms in this new house, rooms exclusively dedicated and consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In the past two weeks, many volunteers have come freely and lovingly giving of their time, talent and treasure. Many hands to give – and hearts that love extraordinarily – are painting these walls, doing the electrical work and installing new floors in our Food Pantry / Clothing Outlet. Truly, this is a house of love and a labor of love.

On Saturday, March 2, we had a Men's Day of Prayer and Work. Some 15 men – including young people from our neighborhood, Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 1603 - Conshohocken and others came and spent the day painting and installing handrails. At midday, after the Holy Rosary, Father Andrew Lane offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass back in the house that we have rented for the past several years. After being nourished with the Food of Angels, we munched on Primo's Hoagies and then got back to work for another three hours. Much of the house got painted and so did some of our neighborhood teens who may look "blue" but really are not sad at all as you can tell by the smiles on their faces!

As the Lord builds His Kensington House of Prayer (KHOP), there is a call for each one of us to make our homes a house of prayer too. Recently, I was invited to give a Parish Mission at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Greenlawn, New York. These three days of mission culminated with an invitation for each family to make Jesus and Mary the King and Queen of their individual homes. Each family was given beautiful images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary – those MOST LOVING HEARTS – to be given a place of honor and prominence, in the very heart of each home. Truly, every household is a tabernacle where Jesus and Mary want to be the central focus. Those beautiful images act as “windows to heaven” and when those windows are opened the atmosphere changes and so do  lives. Below is a link if you would like to watch and listen to the three talks of the Parish Mission as part of your Lenten observance. I pray that they bless you and inspire you to make your home a house of prayer.

To learn more about making your home a house of prayer go to

What Jesus and Mary are doing in Kensington right now they want to do in each and every home including yours!

His best is yet to come!

God bless you,

Michael Grogan

By the way, we not only have a new home, we now have a new mailing address as well. So, for those of you who make your very generous monthly donations by mail, please use P.O. Box 4703, Philadelphia, PA 19134. (Don’t worry, we’ll still get anything you send to our former post office box!)