Michael Grogan, a legally blind lay missionary, has placed his life in the Lord's hands by giving everything up and moving among the poorest of the poor Americans. He lives and works with gang members, homeless, and other marginalized people in the violent Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia.
A Lenten series of talks was given by Michael Grogan at the Immaculate Conception Parish in Westhampton from 3/9/2025 to 3/11/2025
(A new browser window will pop up for each of these when selected)
The introduction given by the Pastor, Fr Ken Grooms is here (less than 2 minutes)
The day-1 talk from 3/9/2025 is here (about 33 minutes)
The day-2 talk from 3/10/2025 is here (about 37 minutes)
The day-3 talk from 3/11/2025 is here (about 43 minutes)
A talk was given by Michael Grogan 8/29/2024 at Our Holy Redeeer Roman Catholic Church, Freeport, NY
42 minutes. Click here to listen (a new browser window will pop up for this)
From “The Front Line” with Joe and Joe, November 2024
Michael Grogan, a favorite Joe & Joe guest, is back with more reflections from below America's poverty line. 58 min 30 sec. Click the below image to listen
Relevant Radio’s Drew Mariani Show
John Harper Interviews Michael Grogan on September 25, 2023
For more media, preaching and talks click on any of the following:
Eight Day Total Consecration to Mary - Spring 2023
Newman Club's fall guest speaker, Michael Grogan, led worship and spoke about his conversion, his ministry, and our call to encounter Christ and to help others do the same.