Become a volunteer and join us in connecting lives with Heaven’s Love.

YOU are critical to our ministry’s success.

A personal invitation from Michael Grogan:

Please review the current volunteer opportunities, then complete the form below to share your interests with us.

We aim to bring the Kingdom of God down into the streets of Kensington, by reminding people of their profound identity as children of God the Father, and making them disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Our mission is to plant the seeds of truth in the hearts of young people and families that are overwhelmed by a culture of death, drugs, and abandonment. We believe through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, great transformation is possible to make Kensington become like “sweet smelling incense before the Lord.”

I’m looking forward to working with you to bring the Kingdom of God down into the streets of Kensington.
— Michael

Friday Morning Food Preparation

We gather at the Ministry House to prepare food for distribution to the homeless.


Fridays from 9AM to 12 Noon


Volunteers arrive about 8:45AM to begin cleaning the food prep areas, preparation (cutting vegetables, browning meat, etc.), cooking chili, and follow-up cleaning in a prayerful atmosphere as we prepare to encounter the hungry Jesus in the streets.

Friday Food Distribution to Homeless

We gather at the Ministry House to take the food prepared that morning out into the streets of Kensington for distribution


Fridays from 12 Noon to 3PM (Volunteers are asked to be flexible in end time but remain for the full term of service that day)


Volunteers arrive before Noon to begin load individual containers of food into vehicles, we prayerfully drive to seek out the homeless in the streets of Kensington. As we see groups, we stop, ask if they are hungry, provide individual meals and pray with them.

The Rosary is our traveling companion!

After all food is distributed, we return to the Ministry House to clean dishes and tidy-up before volunteers depart.

Volunteers will be assigned tasks strategically, for example, loading vehicles, driving, interacting with the needy….

Tuesday Morning Shopping

We gather at the Ministry House to purchase all food and serving materials to cover the Ministry’s needs for the week ahead.


Tuesdays from 9AM to 12 Noon (Volunteers are asked to be flexible in end time but remain for the full term of that day’s tasks)


A trip to Walmart and other stores within a two-mile radius of the Ministry House with a prepared shopping list.

Items will all be purchased by the Ministry itself. Volunteers are NOT expected to fund any of the purchases.

Volunteer Application Form

Now, please READ our Ministry Volunteer Agreement. Ideally, we would like you to download this agreement, complete and sign it and bring it with you the first time you arrive to volunteer. Otherwise, we will have a copy of the form for you to complete and sign on your first day.

“Hungry for love, He looks at you. Thirsty for kindness, He begs of you. Naked for loyalty, He hopes in you. Homeless for shelter in your heart, He asks of you. Will you be that one to Him?”

— St. Teresa of Calcutta