“The Mud” A documentary.

A 12-minute video that clearly illustrates the challenges that life in Kensington presents and how Michael Grogan Ministry is working to bring the people here to their personal connection with Heaven.

Michael Grogan strongly emphasizes the charismatic element which is present in the prayer groups he holds each week with youths caught up in gang and drug culture. He received an image once through prayer which he often relates in order to explain what happens when the Holy Spirit strikes during these meetings:

I often think of Ben Franklin, who took a key and went up to the roof and waited during the lightning storm for that electricity to come down through that key. I often say that our prayer groups are like that. We send them in and they wait on the power of God, and boy oh boy, when there is that ‘touchdown,’ when that happens these young people are completely transformed and they have such zeal and enthusiasm. They go out and bring their friends and little by little this is how our neighborhood is transformed.

“Hungry for love, He looks at you. Thirsty for kindness, He begs of you. Naked for loyalty, He hopes in you. Homeless for shelter in your heart, He asks of you. Will you be that one to Him?”

— St. Teresa of Calcutta


Contact Michael with any questions, prayer requests or needs…
