The Holiness Conference
Philadelphia 6/20/2025 - 6/22/2025
Admission is free. Free will offerings will be accepted.
Friday June 20th: limited to the first 300 people onsite
(in the Shrine Church: The National Shrine of St John Neumann, 1019 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123)
6:30 p.m. Rosary
7:00 p.m. Healing Mass with Father Pio Mandato who will pray over the people with a relic of Padre Pio (the actual glove worn by Padre Pio)
About Fr Pio Mandato: Fr Pio Mandato received his First Holy Communion from Saint Padre Pio, and took the religious name of Pio. He came from the same town as Saint Padre Pio, and offered his first Mass on same altar as Saint Padre Pio. Fr Pio will pray over people with a glove from Saint Padre Pio. He currently lives as a hermit in the Diocese of Scranton, PA.
Saturday June 21st: limited to the first arrivals onsite as listed
6:15 p.m. Holy hour led by Michael Corsini in the Shrine Church; max 300 people
7: 15 p.m. Saints Alive: contemporary Catholic music led by founder Gus deSimone, and fellowship with light refreshments in the St John Neumann Center: 1039 N Lawrence St, Philadelphia, PA 19123; max 400 people
Sunday June 22nd: limited to the first 800 people onsite
12:30 p.m. Mass (in the Upper Church) followed by Corpus Christi procession in the streets led by Bishop Bruce Lewandowaki, Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, Maryland. There is no limit to how many people can join the outdoor procession!
2:00 p.m. fellowship and lunch in the St John Neumann Center Your RSVP is REQUIRED for this indoor event